Naval Ravikant Money is a bubble that never pops. It’s a consensus hallucination. – Naval Ravikant Bubble Quotes Consensus Quotes Hallucination Quotes Money Quotes Pops Quotes It’s probably easier and cheaper to counterfeit hundred-dollar bills than it is to counterfeit Bitcoin. Think of Bitcoin as a bank account in the cloud, and it’s completely decentralized: not the Swiss government, not the American government. It’s all the participants in the network enforcing.
Cole Sprouse I was having a dilemma whether I wanted to return to acting at all because I was coming from this sort of agency-less childhood career, and I’d never made the choice to go into acting. – Cole Sprouse
Jimmy John Liautaud As soon as I go to Wall Street, my customer – all of a sudden, I’m working for people that don’t know me. They don’t know how much I love what I do. – Jimmy John Liautaud
Dove Cameron If you think about the people trying to hurt you, rather than just trying to hurt them back, you can understand it has nothing to do with you. – Dove Cameron
Andy Taylor I don’t think you need a record deal to write songs. You don’t need any other reason than you want to do it. It’s a far cry from why some people do music today. They make it to order, which is pretty horrible. – Andy Taylor
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