Romano Prodi Moreover, resolving the mother of all problems – the Israeli-Palestinian question – requires cooperation between Europe and the U.S. – Romano Prodi Cooperation Quotes Europe Quotes Israelipalestinian Quotes Mother Quotes Question Quotes Requires Quotes Resolving Quotes Foreign policy can mean several things, not only foreign policy in the narrow sense. It can cover foreign policy, relations with the developing world, and enlargement as well. But Italy can only have any real influence on world affairs if it carries weight in Europe.
FriendshipLynn Davies I believe the friendship of the Games still exists. There is a tremendous camaraderie and atmosphere at the Olympic and Commonwealth Games – where else could you go and sit down and have breakfast with a Russian weightlifter, an East German sprinter, and an Indian fencer and talk about different cultures and problems? – Lynn Davies
Robert Fuller Jess Harper was Robert Fuller, particularly in those days. I lived the cowboy life. – Robert Fuller
Joyce Cary I look upon life as a gift from God. I did nothing to earn it. Now that the time is coming to give it back, I have no right to complain. – Joyce Cary
Julian Fellowes There are some men who are frightened by strong women and some men who are nurtured by them and feel nervous, with weak clinging vines. And I am very much of the latter category. – Julian Fellowes
Gael Garcia Bernal The whole Baja California peninsula is an energetic place, and it’s incredibly alive. – Gael Garcia Bernal
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