Philip Yancey Most of the great books on prayer are written by ‘experts’ – monks, missionaries, mystics, saints. I’ve read scores of them, and mainly they make me feel guilty. – Philip Yancey Books Quotes Experts Quotes Feel Quotes Guilty Quotes Missionaries Quotes Monks Quotes Mystics Quotes Prayer Quotes Read Quotes Saints Quotes Scores Quotes Written Quotes When I write, I try to represent the ordinary person in the pew, which means that, ironically, I’m qualified to write about prayer by being unqualified! In some ways, evil is backhanded proof of Gods existence.
Synyster Gates Our singer, Matt, was reading Stephen Hawking and other physics-related books, and I was reading entrepreneurial books, and we all started discussing the new technologies that were taking over the world, from 3-D printing to space travel. These conversations starting leading us to think of how we could portray these things in a musical way. – Synyster Gates
Bill Goldberg As a professional wrestler, it’s not my position to be the booker, to formulate a match, unless you’re asked to do that. – Bill Goldberg
MenRobert Kennedy We know that we cannot live together without rules which tell us what is right and what is wrong, what is permitted and what is prohibited. We know that it is law which enables men to live together, that creates order out of chaos. We know that law is the glue that holds civilization together. – Robert Kennedy
Eric ShinsekiLeadership I have spent a lifetime watching kids make mistakes because they were not trained or well led or properly motivated to do well. I never faulted the kids; rather, I saw opportunity to train, to motivate, to improve leadership – not to punish the individual. – Eric Shinseki
HerodotusMen Of all men’s miseries the bitterest is this: to know so much and to have control over nothing. – Herodotus
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