Paul Morrissey Most of the time, I leave the camera on the obvious special effects, like the rubber bodies, so that it become obvious they’re not real. – Paul Morrissey Bodies Quotes Camera Quotes Effects Quotes Leave Quotes Obvious Quotes Real Quotes Rubber Quotes Special Quotes Time Quotes Andy always thought that films would be where we’d make money. I never wanted to be anything special. I just wanted to make films.
BirthdayRyan O'Neal I saw Farrah Fawcett originally when she and her boyfriend, Lee Majors, came over to my house for a birthday party that I was having for my ex-wife, Leigh Taylor-Young. – Ryan O’Neal
PositiveRosanna Arquette If things aren’t going so well, I try to stay positive and not give in to negative thoughts. – Rosanna Arquette
GodKelsey GrammerTime Prayer is when you talk to God. Meditation is when you’re listening. Playing the piano allows you to do both at the same time. – Kelsey Grammer
James CarvillePolitics I think Ralph Nader is the biggest liar in American politics when he said it didn’t matter who was president. – James Carville
Passenger Sometimes supporting is difficult because a lot of people go to a gig to see the main act and to have a beer and a chat with their mates, so a lot of the time, even if you were John Lennon, would not listen to you. – Passenger
Jayma Mays I was so focused at 21, maybe to my own detriment because I didn’t allow myself to have fun. I was constantly looking for the next audition and working to pay the bills. – Jayma Mays
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