Andrew Mason Most of the time, the things that really change the world exist for something fundamentally selfish and then the world-changing ends up being a side-effect of that. – Andrew Mason Change Quotes Exist Quotes Fundamentally Quotes Selfish Quotes Sideeffect Quotes Time Quotes Worldchanging Quotes In terms of fear, I still am most afraid of Freddie Kruger. When you think of couponing, you picture a mom cutting coupons out of the back of the newspaper.
Martin Feldstein First, I think the science of monetary economics has clearly gotten better. – Martin Feldstein
Stewart Lee I’d quite like to write a book about comics, actually. But trying to write about comics as literature, which I don’t think anyone’s really done before. Sometimes they’re more like fan books, and I’d quite like to write one about the Marvel universe over the last 50 years. It’s an unprecedented achievement to create that length of continuity. – Stewart Lee
Bob Crane Audiences won’t buy an Ozzie Nelson walking and talking around about Rickie’s new bicycle. – Bob Crane
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