Chris Jericho Most people use Twitter to meet girls, and I use it to meet ‘American Idol’ contestants! – Chris Jericho American Quotes Contestants Quotes Girls Quotes Idol Quotes Meet Quotes People Quotes Twitter Quotes Somebody actually tattooed my face on his arm. In a couple years, that will be the equivalent of having a Screech tattoo. I don’t really play a lot of games.
Jonathan Ive Our goal is to desperately make the best products we can. We’re not naive. We trust that if we’re successful and we make good products, that people will like them. And we trust that if people like them, they’ll buy them. And we figured out the operation and we’re effective. We know what we’re doing, so we’ll make money, but it’s a consequence. – Jonathan Ive
AnniversaryErik Larson As a rule, I am very skeptical of tying books to anniversaries. I don’t think readers care. I also feel that it just about guarantees that somebody else will be writing a book on the same subject, but being a former journalist, I’m always interested in, like, why write about something today? Why do it now? – Erik Larson
A N WilsonKnowledge In the past, I used to counter any such notions by asking myself: ‘Would you really want President Hattersley?’ I now find that possibility rather cheers me up. With his chubby, Dickensian features and his knowledge of T.H. Green and other harmless leftish political classics, Hattersley might not be such a bad thing after all. – A N Wilson
Petra Kvitova I am a simple girl from a simple background, and I think fans have appreciated my authenticity. What you see is definitely what you get with me. – Petra Kvitova
DadGareth Bale My dad’s the one who’s always been there; he’s my hero, you could say. Even when he was working, he’d do anything for me. He’s been the biggest influence in my life. – Gareth Bale
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