Owen Glendower Most redoubted lord and right sovereign cousin, may the Almighty Lord have you in his keeping. – Owen Glendower Almighty Quotes Cousin Quotes Keeping Quotes Lord Quotes Redoubted Quotes Sovereign Quotes Dread lord and cousin, may the almighty preserve your reverence and lordship in long life and good fortune.
Dwight Gayle At times I perhaps get a bit frustrated because I maybe don’t get to touch the ball as much as I want, but when I do get to touch the ball, it’s obviously in good positions and I’m scoring so I can’t really argue. – Dwight Gayle
Diablo Cody If being an attractive woman got you attention for directing, then the entire ‘best director’ category would be comprised of models. To me, that is just the most ludicrous connection that you could make. – Diablo Cody
Michelle Phan I am first a creator, but my ongoing objective is to leverage my personal success to help mentor new and existing talent and further help them achieve their goals. Endemol Beyond shares this vision, and together, we will drive the future of original content for generations to come. – Michelle Phan
Ryan Ross We all like all of that, from ‘Rubber Soul’ to ‘The White Album’ and all of that, but even before, we were into that theatrical element of things. We didn’t want to do a ‘Sgt. Pepper’s’ thing. – Ryan Ross
Sheri Moon Zombie I guess you could say the beginning of my career as an actress was when I started performing in music videos. – Sheri Moon Zombie
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