Jean Kennedy Smith Mother and Dad were destined to have a gaggle of children. We would not have been complete if they had stopped at two or four or even six. Nine of us we had to be. – Jean Kennedy Smith Children Quotes Complete Quotes Dad Quotes Destined Quotes Gaggle Quotes Mother Quotes Stopped Quotes Even though I was there through it all, it is hard for me to comprehend that I was growing up with brothers who would eventually occupy the highest offices of our nation, including president of the United States. I never sat down and said, ‘Now I must make a contribution, that one person can make a difference.’ But I felt I was in a position where I could contribute. I never thought of it in the light of history or my brothers. I just felt I had an obligation.
Billie Eilish People think you have to go through something to write about it, and you absolutely do not. You can write about, like, a shoe. It’s a story. – Billie Eilish
Georgia May Jagger I have to exfoliate my lips as they’re quite a large surface area and sometimes when I wear lipstick, it goes all cakey. So I mix brown sugar with lip balm and just scrub it onto them. – Georgia May Jagger
Gary Zukav The next time you feel unworthy, inadequate or inferior, remember that these experiences have nothing to do with humbleness, any more than lowering yourself to connect with another individual has to do with humbleness. There are no lower or higher individuals in the perception of a humble person. There are only souls. There is only love. – Gary Zukav
Aquaria I’ll do two gigs on a Saturday night until four o’clock in the morning, wake up, and do drag brunch on a Sunday, and then another party Sunday night. I definitely take what I do very seriously. – Aquaria
Juan Felipe Herrera The banner of the project is ‘Casa de Colores.’ Under that banner, I’m going to invite people to do a lot of good things. Perhaps working in groups, working on poetry. – Juan Felipe Herrera
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