Holly Hunter Mothers and daughters can stay very connected during teenage years. In the middle of your life, you can become very alone. Even though you’re connected deeply to other family members, lovers, husbands, friends. – Holly Hunter Connected Quotes Daughters Quotes Deeply Quotes Family Quotes Friends Quotes Husbands Quotes Life Quotes Lovers Quotes Middle Quotes Mothers Quotes Stay Quotes Teenage Quotes I don’t offer advice to actors only because I’ve seen actors become successful through ways that would never even occur to me or that wouldn’t work for me. It’s the same with people knowing absolutely everything there is to know about an actor. I actually think the more personal information you have about an actor, the more you have to carve out for yourself when you go to a movie and see them in it.
Julian Bream My own style on the guitar grew out of my experience with the lute. I suppose some people might say I play each like the other. And of course I know a lot of guitar fans who wish I would stop playing the lute and vice versa. – Julian Bream
Beth Ditto In moments when I question if I should be having kids, I think of all those phone calls from my sister-in-law, in which, 3,000 miles away, I hear my nephews screaming for her attention. I tell her I have to go because I am packing to leave for Europe, and her tone flatlines: ‘That must be nice.’ – Beth Ditto
Patrick O'Brian A freewheeling mind can conceive a virtually infinite number of sequences, but just how that mind picks out and stores those that may perhaps be used later to deal with a given tension, a given situation, is far beyond my understanding. – Patrick O’Brian
Harold MacMillan If you don’t believe in God, all you have to believe in is decency. Decency is very good. Better decent than indecent. But I don’t think it’s enough. – Harold MacMillan
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