Faith SalieSmile Mothers of all ages delight in their children, but I don’t know that, if I were younger, I would feel as acutely, profoundly, preciously grateful for every smile, squeal, and – yes – diaper blowout. – Faith Salie Acutely Quotes Ages Quotes Blowout Quotes Children Quotes Delight Quotes Diaper Quotes Feel Quotes Grateful Quotes Mothers Quotes Preciously Quotes Profoundly Quotes Smile Quotes Squeal Quotes We’re under some gross misconception that we’re a good species, going somewhere important, and that at the last minute we’ll correct our errors and God will smile on us. It’s delusion. I remember my mom sitting at our kitchen table, paying bills with a small smile. She’d sigh and say, ‘I’m so blessed to be able to pay these.’ She knew it was about what you have.
BeautyBestConrad Anker I like to think that today is the best day of my life and tomorrow will be the next best day of my life. And if you think that way, you’re living for the beauty of today. – Conrad Anker
Priya Sachdev There are some brands that we didn’t expect to do well in India, like Alice + Olivia. But they sell like hot cakes because women here seem to love it. – Priya Sachdev
AgeDeathPaul Di Filippo The three touchstones that woke Buddha up – sickness, old age, and death – are a pretty good place to start when crafting a tragic tale. And if we need to get more specific: heartbreak, destruction, miscomprehension, natural disasters, betrayal, and the waste of human potential. – Paul Di Filippo
Hailey Gates If you take the fashion out of it, clothing has a lot of information – about how we feel about ourselves, how we’d like to feel about ourselves, and what we’d like to be: If you show up to an interview in sweatpants and a T-shirt, I’m going to deal with you in a really different way. – Hailey Gates
Adrian Grenier Secondly, love and relationships are complicated. No one could ever get it right in a four-line sentence. – Adrian Grenier
Rubina Dilaik I believe in giving people their space and time because till the time your heart and mind is not clear of the baggage, you won’t be able to see other’s efforts towards you. – Rubina Dilaik
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