Karan Kapoor Mum enrolled us for guitar and piano lessons, none of us had any talent oh, Kunal could play the piano well. – Karan Kapoor Enrolled Quotes Guitar Quotes Kunal Quotes Lessons Quotes Mum Quotes Piano Quotes Play Quotes Talent Quotes I was more interested in the older generation as they seemed to be the last remaining remnants of the British Raj – people who remembered the railway cantonments, the Marilyn Monroe look-a-like contest, the Central Provinces,’ and so on, a world long gone. Mum used to take us to Breach Candy on the number 63 bus. After school, we’d swim, ride horses, play rugby.
Freddie Prinze But the only comparison that I want to Lenny Bruce is that I’m funny. I’m Freddie Prinze, Puerto Rican all the way. – Freddie Prinze
Quvenzhane Wallis I love all the Pixar movies, and I like ‘Happy Feet Two.’ ‘Cause it has a lot of babies. – Quvenzhane Wallis
Joanna Page It really irritates me how I get sent a script and it’s set in London and if I say, ‘Can I do it in my own accent?’ it’s as if somebody has just said ‘Bomb.’ They say, ‘It’s fine for you to have any regional accent apart from Welsh.’ And I think, ‘Oh my God, that’s like racism!’ – Joanna Page
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