Alexandre Desplat Musicals are made of several climaxes that keep growing and growing; when you think it’s over, it still continues growing up in plateaus. – Alexandre Desplat Climaxes Quotes Continues Quotes Growing Quotes Musicals Quotes Plateaus Quotes There are some moments in your life and in your career when you meet a movie and the director that suddenly just turns you to another dimension. I’m not a script composer. I’m a film composer and my brain is excited by images and moving elements.
PeaceTawakkol Karman Don’t worry about Yemen. Yemen started in peace, and it will end its revolution in peace, and it will start its new civil state with peace. – Tawakkol Karman
Oleksandr Usyk There are two different kinds of spectacular fighters. One is a subtle counter puncher who shows the work like chess. It’s kind of an art, sports art. The other kind is when a guy has blood on all his body. That’s a second kind of spectacular fighter, and people enjoy both. Both kind of fighters need to be respected. – Oleksandr Usyk
Ana Ortiz I don’t relate to that angst-y kid who hates their parents because they were horrible. It’s just not my life and it’s not the life of a lot of my friends. – Ana Ortiz
Hisham Matar I am terribly interested in the paragraph: the paragraph as an object, the construction, and the possibilities of what a paragraph can do. – Hisham Matar
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