Elizabeth I Must! Is must a word to be addressed to princes? Little man, little man! Thy father, if he had been alive, durst not have used that word. – Elizabeth I Addressed Quotes Alive Quotes Durst Quotes Father Quotes Princes Quotes Thy Quotes Word Quotes One man with a head on his shoulders is worth a dozen without. Brass shines as fair to the ignorant as gold to the goldsmiths.
Chris Chocola Without the right tools, we can’t police our markets from illegal trade. – Chris Chocola
Nickolas Ashford But I also think it’s up to the fan base to call in the radio stations and demand that the more mature artists be played as well. – Nickolas Ashford
Danny Wallace I try to find where the fun is and go there and then get asked if I want to have more fun. That’s the way I want my life to go. Follow the fun. – Danny Wallace
Mark Rylance The scientific-rational mindset is as much a cosmology as the Catholic mindset was in the Middle Ages; scientists are so proud of their mindset and convinced that it’s the only reality. I find that worrying. – Mark Rylance
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