Benigno Aquino III My administration’s compact with the Filipino people will demand no less than the attainment of lasting peace and equitable prosperity. We will employ all the tools at our disposal to achieve this. – Benigno Aquino III Achieve Quotes Administrations Quotes Attainment Quotes Compact Quotes Demand Quotes Disposal Quotes Employ Quotes Equitable Quotes Filipino Quotes Lasting Quotes Peace Quotes People Quotes Prosperity Quotes Tools Quotes As you may know, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, or MCC, awards grants only to countries which rule justly, promote economic freedom, and invest in their people. Part of my mandate is to curb corruption and streamline a cumbersome, graft-ridden bureaucracy, to put resources where they will provide the clearest results, and to untangle a complicated regulatory environment.
Jiddu Krishnamurti Meditation is to be aware of every thought and of every feeling, never to say it is right or wrong, but just to watch it and move with it. In that watching, you begin to understand the whole movement of thought and feeling. And out of this awareness comes silence. – Jiddu Krishnamurti
Shannon Sharpe The only thing I do is say what everyone else is thinking but doesn’t have the guts to say. – Shannon Sharpe
Katie Lowes Scandal’ has been, for me, the most consistent time I’ve ever logged in front of a camera. I grew up in the theater, and I feel very confident and comfortable on the stage and in front of a live audience, but the camera is a very different medium. – Katie Lowes
L Ron Hubbard The mind when it has an old experience will add that data into its current experience, and it keeps coming up with wrong answers. – L Ron Hubbard
Sonya Deville To force something that was not organic to who I am was tough on me, and so I can relate to all those girls and guys out there going through the same thing. – Sonya Deville
Fabio Cannavaro Juventus in Italy are like Real Madrid in Spain, when you enter the team it feels different. – Fabio Cannavaro
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