Bruce Oldfield My aim is to make you look the best you can and if that means a little bit of internal pulling and hoisting up, then so be it. – Bruce Oldfield Aim Quotes Bit Quotes Hoisting Quotes Internal Quotes Pulling Quotes I come from very humble origins, so the last thing I would ever do is to look down my nose at people who can’t afford to come here to my shop. If someone’s got good, clean skin, with not too much make-up on, and good, clean hair that’s bouncy, and the nails are clean and not overly done, then you can put anything on her and she’s going to look good.
Ezra Miller I like a role that is challenging. That’s what I look for and I’m certainly always looking to move further and maybe push myself into a place that might be temporarily uncomfortable so that I might learn something. – Ezra Miller
French MontanaPet My dream pet? I like a couple of them, man: monkey, I love dogs. See, tigers, I don’t know – I can’t be playing with something like that. A monkey, I can handle it. A dog, yeah; I would get a monkey. – French Montana
Mark Morris Perhaps… I mean there are people who defend that it as an art. I don’t. I like it but it’s not an art form as far as I’m concerned, and yet it’s a similar thing, once you can’t land those jumps, you’re disqualified – that precludes it from ever becoming a serious art form. – Mark Morris
Johannes Stark The question of the composition of perceptible objects is one which already occupied the mind of the ancient Greeks. – Johannes Stark
Bob Saget Paul Riser tells it in an interesting way; he dissects it and tells the structure, you know, ‘you don’t mention that part here.’ But that’s what’s interesting about it and the people who are absent are interesting too. – Bob Saget
Barbi Benton Most of all, I want to be known as Barbi Benton, the singer, not as Hugh Hefner’s girlfriend. – Barbi Benton
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