DesignFrei Otto My architectural drive was to design new types of buildings to help poor people, especially following natural disasters and catastrophes… I will use whatever time is left to me to keep doing what I have been doing, which is to help humanity. – Frei Otto Architectural Quotes Buildings Quotes Catastrophes Quotes Design Quotes Disasters Quotes Drive Quotes Humanity Quotes Left Quotes Natural Quotes People Quotes Poor Quotes Time Quotes Types Quotes Good design begins with honesty, asks tough questions, comes from collaboration and from trusting your intuition. Whenever I design any variant, or when anybody sends me one, I always say if at all possible within the context of the game don’t have two home supply centers touching each other.
Diego Sanchez I’ve let go of the dream of becoming a UFC champion that I held in my heart my whole life. – Diego Sanchez
Daniel Keys Moran Before Watergate and Viet Nam, the American public, as a whole, believed everything it was told, and since then it doesn’t believe anything, and both of those extremes hurt us because they prevent us from recognizing the truth. – Daniel Keys Moran
Sheryl Sandberg When you’re more valuable, the people around you will do more to make it work. – Sheryl Sandberg
Stephanie McMahon Monday Night Raw’ has been a huge part of my life, and when you think about it, I mean, life imitated art. That is how I met my husband. – Stephanie McMahon
Philomena Kwao I’ve been lucky enough to do a few editorials in the U.K., but I’ve never even been on a casting for mainstream commercial work. When I try to understand it, I think people are scared to try something new. – Philomena Kwao
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