Fernando Torres My baby will be growing up in Liverpool, so we have another Scouser. – Fernando Torres Baby Quotes Growing Quotes Liverpool Quotes Scouser Quotes After winning the European Championship with Spain, I know exactly how it feels to win a major trophy, and I know that, if we can win at Liverpool, it will feel the same or even better than it did with Spain. One of the reasons I chose to come to Liverpool was because of the mentality of the club. It’s a working club and a working city. I don’t know why, but I feel like one of the people here. They recognise me and wish me luck, but in Spain, they surround you and you can’t do anything. I think they’re happy with me here.
FearSamuel GoldwynWork No person who is enthusiastic about his work has anything to fear from life. – Samuel Goldwyn
Cory Booker I want to try to live my own values as consciously and purposefully as I can. Being vegan for me is a cleaner way of not participating in practices that don’t align with my values. – Cory Booker
Nancy Grace I don’t like juries having the wool pulled over their eyes. I don’t think that’s what the Constitution is about. – Nancy Grace
Kevin Owens No matter how much wrestling you have watched in your life, you know how big Wrestlemania and how momentous it is. My sister-in-law and her boyfriend aren’t die hard WWE fans, but they are fans of Wrestlemania just because of how huge the event is. – Kevin Owens
Johannes Kepler The squares of the periodic times are to each other as the cubes of the mean distances. – Johannes Kepler
Oliver Sykes Rock’s gone soft, it’s gone miserable and boring, there’s not really much exciting about it. So it’s important that we cross over, because we feel like we belong more in a place where people just like music and it’s not about how heavy it is. – Oliver Sykes
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