Alec Berg My brother is an electrical engineer and went to computer science grad school at Stanford, and he’d tell me stories about the happy hours he’d organize. – Alec Berg Brother Quotes Electrical Quotes Engineer Quotes Grad Quotes Happy Quotes Hours Quotes Organize Quotes School Quotes Science Quotes Stanford Quotes Stories Quotes I love oddballs and nerdiness, and it’s a fun world to write in. I have a feeling that life as a billionaire in Silicon Valley is very different than the life that you or I would lead. Unless you’re a billionaire; I don’t know your financial situation.
Gurinder Chadha You’d be surprised how hard it is getting the human emotional arc in a script to work. Ultimately a director stands and falls by their ability to do that. – Gurinder Chadha
Chance The Rapper Music can kind of make you one-dimensional. People see what’s on the surface and what you rap about, and they make their decision on who you are from there. – Chance The Rapper
Gordon Gould But certainly the laser proved to be what I realized it was going to be. At that moment in my life I was too ignorant in business law to be able to do it right, and if I did it over again probably the same damn thing would happen. – Gordon Gould
Jackie Evancho I look up to Andrea Boccelli and Sarah Brightman. The best part about ‘America’s Got Talent’ was performing with her! – Jackie Evancho
Joey Barton You look at the likes of Cristiano Ronaldo or Messi, whether it’s the boots they wear, the haircuts they have, and you see the influence top flight footballers have over football fans – in particular young fans. – Joey Barton
ImaginationJacques MaritainPoetry Poetry proceeds from the totality of man, sense, imagination, intellect, love, desire, instinct, blood and spirit together. – Jacques Maritain
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