Casey Neistat My brother Van got the computer first and showed me what it was like to edit video. I definitely credit Van with turning me onto filmmaking. – Casey Neistat Brother Quotes Credit Quotes Edit Quotes Filmmaking Quotes Van Quotes Video Quotes I love seeing the way in which young people embrace video, and the YouTube vlogger is a fantastic phenomenon. I made a living for 10 years making very typical TV commercials. But I always wanted to reach beyond that and do stuff that people might relate to in the way they relate to my nonbranded content.
Lisel Mueller Everything is autobiography, even if one writes something that is totally objective. The fact that it’s a subject that seizes you makes it autobiographical. – Lisel Mueller
Emily Oster I had always been told that you shouldn’t clean the litter box when you’re pregnant, because of your cat. And I think that is overblown – unless you have, like, three kittens in your house that are living outside and eating raw meat, this shouldn’t really be a significant source of concern. – Emily Oster
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