Jake Johnson My brother was an improviser. He’s now a lobbyist, but he used to perform improv in the city when he was in high school, and one of the funniest guys I know to this day. – Jake Johnson Brother Quotes City Quotes Day Quotes Funniest Quotes Guys Quotes Improv Quotes Improviser Quotes Lobbyist Quotes Perform Quotes School Quotes If I took over the ‘Glamour’ offices for a day, I would put Joe Pesci on the cover. I would say ‘We’ve got to change all these magazines a little bit. We have to bring out a different version of what is, like, cool. You know, what’s winning. Joe Pesci, Burt Reynolds.’ First, I wanted to be Chris Farley. When I was growing up, Chris Farley was still on the stages and fun to us. In my house, John Belushi was king. I didn’t grow up when he was – I was born in ’78 – the reruns of Belushi in ‘Animal House,’ and knowing he was at Second City, he was viewed as a king in my house.
Brad Marchand In playoffs, it’s so emotional and the tension’s really high and guys are laying everything on the line. And when you do that, things get chippy and guys are playing aggressively, and I think it just comes out in the playoffs a little more. When you know what’s on the line and what you’re expected to do, it just comes out. – Brad Marchand
Marcus du Sautoy Mathematics is a place where you can do things which you can’t do in the real world. – Marcus du Sautoy
Lorne Michaels I grew up in a time where on things like ‘The Red Skeleton Show’ or even to a certain extent on ‘The Carol Burnett Show,’ people wrote in the breakouts or ad-libs. They were scripted to look spontaneous. So I always had a dislike of that kind of thing. – Lorne Michaels
Jon Bon Jovi We are at a crossroads in the music business: with the rise of the internet, the world we live in has changed, and the past is not coming back. But I see the glass as half-full: the internet and social networking are new avenues for the next Bob Dylan to be born on. – Jon Bon Jovi
Carl D Anderson Information of fundamental importance to the general problem of atomic structure has resulted from systematic studies of the cosmic radiation carried out by the Wilson cloud-chamber method. – Carl D Anderson
David Gerrold What’s interesting about the shift from an industrial age to a technological age is that we keep inventing new media: movies, records, radio, television, the Internet, and now ebooks – and one of the things that’s most interesting about the invention of a new medium is watching it reinvent itself as it penetrates the culture. – David Gerrold
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