Freddie Fox My dad has never had a mobile phone or computer. And that was the way when I grew up, so I still take tech with a pinch of salt. – Freddie Fox Dad Quotes Grew Quotes Mobile Quotes Phone Quotes Pinch Quotes Salt Quotes Tech Quotes I’m blessed and fortunate I met many people, like agents, who’d take a meeting with me because my mum or dad would ask if they’d see me. I didn’t really enter into the real world until I was probably at drama school.
Shia LaBeouf I turned down a scholarship to Yale. The problem with college is that there’s a tendency to mistake preparation for productivity. You can prepare all you want, but if you never roll the dice you’ll never be successful. – Shia LaBeouf
Bob Christo I’ve been with beautiful women, had my share of highs and lows. But I have a regret – I wanted to be a hero. I never got the chance, even though I was good-looking, I could sing and dance too. – Bob Christo
John Lewis I was so inspired by Dr. King that in 1956, with some of my brothers and sisters and first cousins – I was only 16 years old – we went down to the public library trying to check out some books, and we were told by the librarian that the library was for whites only and not for colors. It was a public library. – John Lewis
Joe Sacco I try to ask visual questions. I’ll ask what someone was wearing, if that seems relevant. If possible, I’ll walk over the same ground that they’re depicting. Of course, I can never get it precisely as it was. – Joe Sacco
Cyndi Lauper Men and women are different. I don’t think men grow a brain until 26 or even 30. Girls mature a lot quicker. – Cyndi Lauper
Ethan Coen I think some superstars feel they get trapped in their established screen persona over and over again. That’s what they get hired to do. – Ethan Coen
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