Cassie Steele My dad probably gave me the best advice growing up. I think it’s really just keeping your cool in situations and learning to balance everything. – Cassie Steele Advice Quotes Balance Quotes Cool Quotes Dad Quotes Growing Quotes Keeping Quotes Learning Quotes Situations Quotes People ask me all the time which I would prefer doing more, but I honestly can’t say. When I’m filming, I’m like, ‘No, this is my favorite,’ and when I’m writing music and recording and performing, it’s like, ‘This is definitely it.’ I started improvisation at age nine, and I loved it so much I stuck with it. As a by-product, acting was just something I was lucky enough to fall into.
Lester HoltSmile When we run out of them upstairs, I’ve been known to appropriate some from our greenroom, pocketing a few with one hand as I smile and greet our guests with the other. One time, Dave Zinczenko of ‘Eat this, Not That!’ fame, busted me in the act. The cookies apparently fall in the ‘not that’ category. I made a note of it. – Lester Holt
Johannes Heesters Sure, I acted in films in the Third Reich, entertainment films, which distracted countless people inside and outside Germany from daily life during war. – Johannes Heesters
Jonathan Zittrain The Internet works thanks to loose but trusted connections among its many constituent parts, with easy entry and exit for new Internet service providers or new forms of expanding access. – Jonathan Zittrain
Sergei Polunin It’s true that I got a bit lost. But that was because I had grown up in a system where I never made my own decisions. – Sergei Polunin
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