DadMike D'Antoni My dad was a principal and coach. My sister was a superintendent of schools in West Virginia. – Mike D’Antoni Coach Quotes Dad Quotes Principal Quotes Schools Quotes Sister Quotes Superintendent Quotes Virginia Quotes West Quotes My eldest son, Jack, grew up with me as a ‘part-time’ dad. I literally remember going in my backyard and my dad teaching me Paul Westphal moves.
Jerry Leiber The first memory I have was my sisters dancing to the radio when they played records by Benny Goodman and Harry James and of the sort. But the record that got me was a record by Derek Sampson, who was a young guy, called ‘Boogie Express,’ and it was boogie-woogie. Really, it was on fire, and that got me. – Jerry Leiber
Ed O'Brien What had disappointed me at the time of the last tour, was to go on a worldwide tour, we were at some incredible places and we couldn’t enjoy it, hadn’t the time. – Ed O’Brien
Bhumibol Adulyadej When I was young, we had nothing. The carpets and upholstery in the palace were full of holes. The floors creaked. Everything was so old. Yes, we had a piano, an upright given to us by the Fine Arts Department. But it was out of tune. – Bhumibol Adulyadej
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