Andrew Rosenthal My father, A. M. Rosenthal, edited the ‘Times’ for nearly 20 years and worked at the paper for many more. – Andrew Rosenthal Edited Quotes Father Quotes Paper Quotes Rosenthal Quotes Times Quotes Ultimately, presidential campaigns are – or at least should be – about the candidates, not their spouses or surrogates. New Yorkers were grateful when Donald J. Trump finished ahead of schedule and under budget in renovating the Wollman Memorial Rink, where the city had spent six years and $12 million trying to produce ice.
Nathan Englander When I wrote my novel, ‘The Ministry of Special Cases,’ I couldn’t even brush my teeth. I had to write in isolation from everything else. I thought a play would take away from my fiction, but the more projects I work on, the more time I have. – Nathan Englander
Lily Collins To play someone I loved in my favourite fairytale as a kid is a total honour. – Lily Collins
Jay Samit Building a great team is the lifeblood of any startup, and finding great talent is one of the hardest and costliest tasks any CEO will ever face. – Jay Samit
Fawn M BrodieFriendship A passion for politics stems usually from an insatiable need, either for power, or for friendship and adulation, or a combination of both. – Fawn M Brodie
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