Claude Picasso My father had been an avid fan of Chaplin during the silent film days, but when the talkies came along, my father lost all interest in movies. – Claude Picasso Avid Quotes Chaplin Quotes Days Quotes Fan Quotes Father Quotes Film Quotes Lost Quotes Movies Quotes Silent Quotes Talkies Quotes Of course we’d rather not see Picasso teacups and sheets. I loved being my father’s audience and watching him in front of the mirror as he talked to himself made up like a clown.
Mark Zandi Our economy isn’t going to recover until the housing market finds its footing. – Mark Zandi
John Taylor Gatto School reform is not enough. The notion of schooling itself must be challenged. – John Taylor Gatto
Ireland Baldwin I imagine how hard it might be to walk down the runway. Me in heels is, like, deforesting the forest, knocking trees, completely ‘timber!’ – Ireland Baldwin
Fleur East Everyone assumes it is just ‘Wendy who works at Tesco’ who goes to audition for ‘X Factor,’ and then their lives are changed, wham, like that. Me, I am someone who has tried for years in the music industry. – Fleur East
Jimmy Carl Black I think that the old Mothers started that trend of rehearsing long hours. We went as long as the later bands did except we didn’t get paid for it like they did. – Jimmy Carl Black
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