Rishi Sunak My father is a doctor and my mother ran the local pharmacy. Growing up, I saw firsthand the difference they made to our community. – Rishi Sunak Community Quotes Difference Quotes Doctor Quotes Father Quotes Firsthand Quotes Growing Quotes Local Quotes Mother Quotes Pharmacy Quotes It is important that those that do come to settle in the U.K. gain a sense of British identity and share British values. We have always attracted the best and brightest. Having a lower tax, simpler, fairer, flatter tax system is something that can drive growth.
Laurie Lee It was a world that I wanted to record because it was such a miracle visitation to me. – Laurie Lee
Clark Blaise India has in fact raced ahead, in ways that are more dazzling and more confusing than America is. – Clark Blaise
Chris Pavone Having ‘The Expats’ not be ‘wholesale-y’ rejected by the world made it possible for me to write the second book and have a publisher buy it before it was entirely written. And it made it easier for me and my publisher to get ‘The Accident’ out into the world without trying to convince people to pay attention to it the way you do for a first novel. – Chris Pavone
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