Alessandro MicheleBirthday My father was a shaman. He told me that time doesn’t exist. He didn’t use a clock. He didn’t know when my birthday was. – Alessandro Michele Birthday Quotes Clock Quotes Exist Quotes Father Quotes Shaman Quotes Time Quotes Told Quotes If you believe in romance, and if you believe in marriage, you also have to believe in divorce. It’s like, with ‘Getting On,’ a lot of people say, ‘I don’t want to watch that. It’s so dark.’ But you can’t just want to go to weddings and children’s birthday parties. You’ve got to witness it all. I’ve never hosted a party in my life, not even my own birthday party. I’d feel really uncomfortable saying, ‘Hey everybody, let’s celebrate me!’ But I’m not antisocial. I don’t hate people.
Andy Stern Unions should not be lapdogs to a political party, they should be watchdogs for their members’ interests. – Andy Stern
Clay ShirkyScience I would not hesitate to say I was addicted to the Internet in the first two years. It can be addictive, and things not taken in moderation have negative effects. But the alarmism around ‘Facebook is changing our brains’ strikes me as a kind of historical trick. Because we now know from brain science that everything changes our brains. – Clay Shirky
Mike Cernovich Why is the Right so afraid of being called racist? Why do they attack their allies on the Right, even calling us racist? – Mike Cernovich
Alan Guth From a theoretical point of view, it is very hard to imagine how gravity could avoid being quantized. – Alan Guth
Bruce Henderson The essential element of successful strategy is that it derives its success from the differences between competitors with a consequent difference in their behavior. – Bruce Henderson
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