Ann Widdecombe My father was in the admiralty and he rose to a very senior position. He was very formidable; a bit grumpy, but I loved him dearly. – Ann Widdecombe Admiralty Quotes Bit Quotes Dearly Quotes Father Quotes Formidable Quotes Grumpy Quotes Loved Quotes Position Quotes Rose Quotes Senior Quotes The Royal Opera House? I once had the immense privilege of appearing there and was awed by the air of refinement of those seemingly ethereal beings who floated about in the highest echelons of musical accomplishment, effortlessly producing virtuoso performances in several different languages. My mother always said bringing me up was a tiring business, which I ‘believe. For instance, when we lived in Singapore, the Chinese staff used to leave their slippers at the bottom of the steps. Every night, I used to go and remove their slippers. I stopped being tiresome at about 14.
Edward Burnett Tylor Coughs seem very common here, especially among the children, though people look strong and healthy, but in the absence of proper statistics one cannot undertake to say whether the district is a healthy one or not. – Edward Burnett Tylor
Ira Sachs I’m not interested in a film about deceit anymore. I think I was always invested in deceit on some level. But it no longer compels me the way it did for so many years. – Ira Sachs
Paul Pierce I always say I wish I was in my prime matching up against LeBron. Let’s see how many championships he would have won then. – Paul Pierce
SE Cupp I believe in a strong two-party system, and when one party is losing so spectacularly, it emboldens the other party to overreach and become a cartoon of itself, invoking awful things like – I’m just spit-balling here – child separation policies and trade wars. – SE Cupp
Gore VidalPolitics Any American who is prepared to run for president should automatically, by definition, be disqualified from ever doing so. – Gore Vidal
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