Marco Pierre White My favourite dinner is a cup of tea and a ham sandwich with English mustard. – Marco Pierre White Cup Quotes Dinner Quotes English Quotes Favourite Quotes Ham Quotes Mustard Quotes Sandwich Quotes Tea Quotes As far as I am concerned, ambition is the most dangerous occupation in the world. I have never been ambitious, or if I have, it’s only been by default. I was brought up a working-class Tory. I believe, to be a true socialist, you have to be a capitalist first. In my heart, I’m a socialist; in my mind, I’m a capitalist.
Katie Hafner Unlike most divorced parents, whose interactions are confined to the topic of the kids, people still sharing a house have to talk about clogged sinks and moth infestations. – Katie Hafner
Dan Ariely While we somehow understand revenge on an intuitive level between individuals, I do suspect that companies, assuming that people are rational, completely miss and underestimate the motivation people have for revenge. – Dan Ariely
Glenn Kelman So many tech companies have embraced a mission that they say is larger than profits. Once you wrap yourself up in a moral flag, you have to carry it to the top of other hills. – Glenn Kelman
Stella McCartney The beliefs I was raised with – to respect animals and to be aware of nature, to understand that we share this planet with other creatures – have had a huge impact on me. – Stella McCartney
John Schneider It’s been a while since I’ve been to church, but you don’t get unborn again. – John Schneider
Bas Rutten I love palm strikes because you have a longer reach. Normally, when you give a left hook and then a right straight, you are too close for the right straight. Why? Because the hook is shorter. – Bas Rutten
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