Matt Berninger My favourite store? Seize Sur Vingt in New York. They make most of my suits, and they are really cool people. – Matt Berninger Cool Quotes Favourite Quotes People Quotes Seize Quotes Store Quotes Suits Quotes Sur Quotes Vingt Quotes York Quotes Sometimes you have to wear what you want. A suit is a sign of respect.
Don McLean The kids today all seem to think they should be stars, but I wasn’t brought up that way. – Don McLean
Ban Ki-moon Midori has been a steadfast supporter of the United Nations, as a Messenger of Peace and more recently by encouraging our efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. – Ban Ki-moon
Lauren Kate When I sit down to write a scene, I have a plan in mind, and I’m thrilled when a character disregards my goals and takes the story to a place I hadn’t imagined. – Lauren Kate
Ashton Irwin People ask, ‘Why is it called 5 Seconds of Summer when there’s four of you?’ – Ashton Irwin
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