Glenda Jackson My fear with ‘Lear’ was that I would not have the physical or vocal strength. But this play, it’s all in your head. That was one of the really interesting things when we were rehearsing it: We were all exhausted because it was all up here. – Glenda Jackson Exhausted Quotes Fear Quotes Head Quotes Lear Quotes Physical Quotes Play Quotes Rehearsing Quotes Strength Quotes Vocal Quotes If a woman is successful, then she’s deemed to be the exception that proves the rule. If a woman fails, well, we’re all failures. That kind of underlying approach to our gender doesn’t seem to me to have changed an iota. The best theater is trying to tell the truth, and the best politics is trying to tell the truth.
Brad Henry In charting our course to the future, we are mindful of our path from the past. – Brad Henry
Ashley Thomas I was acting before I did music, so it is an easier transition for me in my own mindset. – Ashley Thomas
Nick Clegg I’m very lucky. I am one of those people who is able to go home, shut the front door and completely focus on the kids. – Nick Clegg
Edgar DavidsPositive Ronaldo is the best of the best, I mean not only as a football player but also as a human being. You can see how he developed and how devoted he is to really staying on top every year to excel. I think that is something unbelievable, and I said it before and will say it again: he is an athlete, and an athlete is a positive thing. – Edgar Davids
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