Steven Tyler My feet have been my best friend for the last 40 years. I’ve just been a dancing fool on stage, and after awhile you just kind of wear them out. – Steven Tyler Awhile Quotes Dancing Quotes Feet Quotes Fool Quotes Friend Quotes Stage Quotes Wear Quotes It doesn’t feel good when you’re put down, and especially for no uncertain reason. Guitar players never listen to lead singers.
Rachel Ward I’ve been as critically rubbished as acclaimed and the worst thing about that is that it usually plays into your own self-criticism. – Rachel Ward
Curtis Jackson I just feel really good about my accomplishments. I haven’t had, like, a party because a deal goes through or something like that. I don’t know. I need to develop that – I need to have something that I do when things go right. – Curtis Jackson
Josef Albers As basic rules of a language must be practiced continually, and therefore are never fixed, so exercises toward distinct color effects never are done or over. New and different cases will be discovered time and again. – Josef Albers
Ken Follett For success, the author must make the reader care about the destiny of the principals, and sustain this anxiety, or suspense, for about 100,000 words. – Ken Follett
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