Dean Potter My feet look like hooves-like, fake-leather bottoms and funky toenails – and I scrub them with a big stiff-bristled nylon brush you’d use for scrubbing the side of your house. – Dean Potter Bottoms Quotes Brush Quotes Fakeleather Quotes Feet Quotes Funky Quotes Hooveslike Quotes House Quotes Nylon Quotes Scrub Quotes Scrubbing Quotes Stiffbristled Quotes Toenails Quotes For two summers, I lived up on the Eiger for close to 40 days. It was in a tent under this overhang near the start of Deep Blue Sea. I would drink the water that dripped from the ceiling. Many of my hardest climbs were done with one or both feet barefoot.
Carre OtisDiet I am not naturally that thin, so I had to go through everything from using drugs to diet pills to laxatives to fasting. Those were my main ways of controlling my weight. – Carre Otis
Cesar ChavezHealth We farm workers are closest to food production. We were the first to recognize the serious health hazards of agriculture pesticides to both consumers and ourselves. – Cesar Chavez
AttitudeShahid Kapoor I am a Piscean, and they have a lovingly detached attitude towards life. – Shahid Kapoor
Claressa ShieldsRespect At the end of the day, no matter what you do, there will be somebody that don’t like you. You don’t have to like me, but you will respect what I do. – Claressa Shields
Matt Sydal That is why I can never walk away from wrestling because there’s this moment – the bell rings and everything slips away. The path, the future. There’s nothing but that moment right in front of you where the intensity is high, the risk and reward are high, and you have to enter into a mental state that doesn’t allow for hesitation. – Matt Sydal
Daniel H Pink I think that designers and architects need to educate the people who don’t quite know what they do and make a strong case for why it’s valuable and why it changes the game. I think waiting for people to come around to it just won’t do. – Daniel H Pink
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