Steve Schmidt My fidelity is to my country, not my political party. Country first. – Steve Schmidt Country Quotes Fidelity Quotes Party Quotes Political Quotes What destroyed the Republican Party isn’t Trump. It’s the obedience to Trump from servile leaders like McConnell and Ryan who could have put a check on him. They have gotten their place in political history. They’ll be remembered as vile. A mark of stupidity is a belief that one party is totally virtuous and correct on the issues while the other is evil and always wrong.
AmazingGladys Taber The begonia is an amazing plant… it just keeps going along and blooming, and when cut back, it starts up again. – Gladys Taber
Rodney Dangerfield I came from a real tough neighborhood. I put my hand in some cement and felt another hand. – Rodney Dangerfield
Gustav Klimt After tea it’s back to painting – a large poplar at dusk with a gathering storm. From time to time instead of this evening painting session I go bowling in one of the neighbouring villages, but not very often. – Gustav Klimt
Steven Soderbergh There’s something really fun about watching people really good at something. – Steven Soderbergh
Ander Crenshaw I’m usually torn by, ‘What’s the role of government to cure injustice?’ Families, churches, and schools can be more of an instrument of change. – Ander Crenshaw
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