Celine Sciamma My film-making is the privilege of French cinema. I would have to do things totally differently elsewhere. But I think I could learn from that and have fun being part of a bigger collective. – Celine Sciamma Bigger Quotes Cinema Quotes Collective Quotes Filmmaking Quotes French Quotes Fun Quotes Learn Quotes Privilege Quotes Totally Quotes A kid is always locked down inside their family. In the film, I felt like talking about loss and death, which we’ve had a lot of right now, but you know, the experience of lockdown maybe gave me more courage to believe we could create cinema while all locked in our houses. I think that childhood is innocent, but not in the way we usually believe. I think it’s a very sensual age, where emotions and feelings are so strong just for the simple fact that we are living them for the first time.
AmazingRitchie Blackmore Stevie Ray Vaughan was very intense. Maybe that’s what caught everybody’s attention. As a player, he didn’t do anything amazing. – Ritchie Blackmore
Lesley-Anne Down It wasn’t sexual in its element. I wasn’t being exploited. I was doing what happened. It was very challenging because I played Phyllis from 15 years old to 53 when she died of breast cancer. – Lesley-Anne Down
Kathy Burke I have always believed that women should be allowed to do what they want to do. – Kathy Burke
Julia Sawalha It’s a tremendous feeling walking on to a set with a live audience and making them laugh, but I love drama, and I love drama where there’s the ability to bring comedy into it because in a lot of tragic circumstances in life there is comedy to be had. – Julia Sawalha
Gianluigi Donnarumma I chose to come to AC Milan and not Inter partly because my brother played here and partly because I have always been a Milan fan. – Gianluigi Donnarumma
Brian Grazer I don’t keep a list of people I want to talk to. It’s organic. But I’d like to interview Tom Brady. Someday I’d love to meet Vladimir Putin. I’d ask him how he sees the landscape of the world, what could make it better, how that could be done. – Brian Grazer
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