Emma McKeon My first 100m comes quite easily for me and I can hold my high speed, that is how I approach it. – Emma McKeon Approach Quotes Easily Quotes Hold Quotes Speed Quotes With the 200m free it just changes all the time whoever is at the top. When I decided to keep swimming I made the decision to just do it based off enjoying it and making lots of friends out of it.
Alfred Jarry We shall not have succeeded in demolishing everything unless we demolish the ruins as well. But the only way I can see of doing that is to use them to put up a lot of fine, well-designed buildings. – Alfred Jarry
Lily CollinsMedicalTruth When I went through my eating disorder, I never sought medical assistance. I created myths in my head about how I should get through things, so the idea that I could surround myself with truth and feel comfortable enough to speak mine allowed me to breathe. – Lily Collins
Kelly Brook I do Google myself. Not that often, though, and the stories are always rubbish. – Kelly Brook
Elie WieselGodHopePeace Hope is like peace. It is not a gift from God. It is a gift only we can give one another. – Elie Wiesel
Sal Khan By early 2009, tens of thousands of students were watching tutorials on the Khan Academy every day. The software I wrote for my cousins had become so popular, it was making my $50-a-month web host crash. The possibilities surrounding the academy were so exciting that I had trouble doing my day job properly. And soon, I quit. – Sal Khan
Jonathan Scott I’m very blessed in a lot of ways. I can buy what I want, and I can go anywhere in the world. – Jonathan Scott
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