Ariel Sharon My first love was, and remains, manual labor; sowing and harvesting, the pastures, the flock, and the cattle. – Ariel Sharon Cattle Quotes Flock Quotes Harvesting Quotes Labor Quotes Love Quotes Manual Quotes Pastures Quotes Remains Quotes Sowing Quotes You cannot like the word, but what is happening is an occupation – to hold 3.5 million Palestinians under occupation. I believe that is a terrible thing for Israel and for the Palestinians. Every Jew has the right to ascend onto the Temple Mount.
Marco Bizzarri Technology is now available that means you don’t need to use fur. The alternatives are luxurious. There is just no need. – Marco Bizzarri
Priyadarshan Romance on the screen happens even with people who do not have off-screen chemistry. To bring that out from them is my job. – Priyadarshan
Diana Gabaldon We started watching ‘Doctor Who’ as a family because our first daughter was a cranky baby, and she would get up during the night – and it was her dad’s job to stay up because I worked at night. – Diana Gabaldon
Russell Simmons Most people believe that results matter. The idea that results matter is one that you have to keep letting go of. And most of the time, I believe it. – Russell Simmons
Lance ArmstrongMom My mom was such a strong character. I don’t want to say she was like a man, but she was tough. – Lance Armstrong
MoneyWilliam Makepeace Thackeray What money is better bestowed than that of a schoolboy’s tip? How the kindness is recalled by the recipient in after days! It blesses him that gives and him that takes. – William Makepeace Thackeray
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