Manila Luzon My first real memory of makeup was when I was a teenager and I kind of had some acne issues and I wondered why it was OK for girls to wear foundation but boys weren’t allowed to wear makeup. – Manila Luzon Acne Quotes Allowed Quotes Boys Quotes Foundation Quotes Girls Quotes Issues Quotes Makeup Quotes Memory Quotes Real Quotes Teenager Quotes Wear Quotes Wondered Quotes The cool thing about being in drag, just like getting to play a role in a play, is that you get to play a fantasy and you get to play someone else that you’re not used to. Drag allows people to celebrate their individuality, together.
James L Brooks When I wrote a gay character, I spent six months asking questions I’ve never asked a gay friend, the questions you don’t ask just because you don’t have the right to do it. – James L Brooks
Megan Phelps-Roper Assuming ill motives almost instantly cuts us off from truly understanding why someone does and believes as they do. – Megan Phelps-Roper
Peter Roskam My wife and kids are the constituents I will be serving long after my days in Springfield are a distant memory. – Peter Roskam
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