Jimmy Smith My first recording, a guy came down to Philadelphia and heard me play and he introduced me to Alfred Lion. – Jimmy Smith Alfred Quotes Guy Quotes Heard Quotes Introduced Quotes Lion Quotes Philadelphia Quotes Play Quotes Recording Quotes I did my first recording. It was called The Champ. And then when I found my sound, it took me two and a half weeks to find my sound and when I did I pulled out all the stops, all the stops I could find.
Ricky Whittle Sometimes, when you’ve got a couple of females on the cast, you’ll have a diva, or you’ll have arguments. I’ve been on shows where girls haven’t quite got on. – Ricky Whittle
DreamsJohn C Maxwell The dreams and passions stored within hearts are powerful keys which can unlock a wealth of potential. – John C Maxwell
John Edwards If we do the work that we can do in this country, the work that we will do when John Kerry is President, people like Christopher Reeve will get up out of that wheelchair and walk again. – John Edwards
Nathan Lane Relationships, for me, have been elusive. And I would say mostly it’s been my fault. I was always more concentrated on my career. And yes, you do question people’s motives. Is it just because I’m him – I’m Nathan Lane? – Nathan Lane
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