Rocky Carroll My first venture into TV was a half-hour sitcom on Fox called ‘Roc.’ – Rocky Carroll Called Quotes Fox Quotes Halfhour Quotes Roc Quotes Sitcom Quotes Venture Quotes I went from a sitcom to a hospital drama, feature films. I’ve kind of been living the actor’s dream. I’m not associated with one role or one medium. You’re lucky if you’re associated with one hit show. When I was a kid growing up, there might be 10 shows on the air that had been on for ten seasons or eleven seasons. ‘Gunsmoke’ ran for over twenty years.
Germaine GreerWar Never advise anyone to go to war or to get married. Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at present. He that has no children brings them up well. – Germaine Greer
Bart Stupak No matter what the president or anyone tried to do on health care, they never got the headlines, because the Gulf oil spill happened. It seemed like it sucked the wind out of the whole health care debate. – Bart Stupak
Rachel Stevens I would love a bowl of Frosties, but I start the day with something healthier like a bowl of yoghurt or berries. – Rachel Stevens
Christopher Eccleston I love my accent, I thought it was useful in Gone In 60 Seconds because the standard villain is upper class or Cockney. My Northern accent would be an odd clash opposite Nic Cage. – Christopher Eccleston
Betty Gilpin Nothing is more theater-based than wrestling. It’s Greek-tragedy-level theater. – Betty Gilpin
EqualityPramila Jayapal For immigrant women, the very act of immigration is about opportunity, equality, and freedom. Women immigrants come to America to care for their families, escape gender-based violence, or express their sexual identity. – Pramila Jayapal
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