Scott Dixon My focus is definitely on the racing. – Scott Dixon Focus Quotes Racing Quotes I’m sure there will be business ventures and things down the road, but I definitely don’t want to be a team owner. IndyCar is what it is and in the back of our minds we all know it is a dangerous sport.
Richard Preston Botanists have a tradition of never revealing the exact location of a rare plant. Contact between humans and rare plants is generally risky for the plants. – Richard Preston
James Fenton The iambic line, with its characteristic forward movement from short to long, or light to heavy, or unstressed to stressed, is the quintessential measure of English verse. – James Fenton
Jennifer Beals I said, wouldn’t it be nice, instead of having these women fight with each other over men, which seems to be more of a cliche, wouldn’t it be wonderful if they were the true comrades and it took these men much more time to infiltrate their friendships. – Jennifer Beals
Phil Daniels I found that golf saved me from going to the pub every day, so instead, I play golf with other unemployed actors. I’m a member of the Stage Golfing Society, and I play golf with all sorts of people. – Phil Daniels
CourageTracy K Smith I feel most alive, most electric with faith, breath, and courage, when I think of God as a current that runs through all that is. Not by will or by choice. Not as a benediction but because there are laws even God must obey. – Tracy K Smith
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