ChristmasEasterZach Anner My grandmother was a church organist, but we only went on Easter and Christmas Eve sometimes. – Zach Anner Christmas Quotes Church Quotes Easter Quotes Eve Quotes Grandmother Quotes Organist Quotes Zach Anner Quotes My grandmother and mother were from Italy, so I was raised Catholic. That kind of just meant going to church on Easter and Christmas. I saw a radical transformation in my family when they started going to a Christian church. I watched them fall in love with God. Teachers complain a lot about how tough their job is. But, you know, the day begins in most schools at nine o’clock, ends at 3.30 P.M. They have six weeks’ holiday during the summer, two weeks’ holiday at Easter and at Christmas. Yes, they don’t just work when they’re at school, but even so, compared to a lot of other jobs, it’s not that tough.
Shonda Rhimes I have so much going on inside my head in terms of writing, there’s such a large space in my life taken up by that. I can’t imagine it being taken up by a husband and children and writing, and everything getting its due. I don’t believe there is room for all of it. I really don’t. – Shonda Rhimes
John Hume The basic policy of the British Government was that since the majority of people in Northern Ireland wished to remain in the United Kingdom, that was that. We asked what would happen if the majority wanted something else, if the majority wanted to see Irish unity. – John Hume
Aileen Lee Sequoia is a firm that a lot of people across tech and the Valley look to, and I think they’re setting an important example in adding new diversity to their team. – Aileen Lee
Joe Bastianich With four-appetizer, four-entree menus, it’s like, give me a break. That’s not a restaurant, that’s a dinner party. – Joe Bastianich
J Paul GettyWork Going to work for a large company is like getting on a train. Are you going sixty miles an hour or is the train going sixty miles an hour and you’re just sitting still? – J Paul Getty
Donald E Westlake My work schedule has changed over the years. The one constant is, when at work on a novel, I try to work seven days a week, so as not to lose touch with that world. Within that, I’m flexible on hours and output. – Donald E Westlake
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