Najib Razak My heart reaches out to those whose loved ones were lost on MH17. – Najib Razak Heart Quotes Lost Quotes Loved Quotes Reaches Quotes I’m quite an advocate of free trade. For many decades, Myanmar was on the receiving end of very public diplomatic scoldings, often backed up by sanctions.
Lady Colin Campbell You don’t lose the regard of not only a nation but of an international community and regain it overnight. – Lady Colin Campbell
Adrien Brody My dad told me, ‘It takes fifteen years to be an overnight success’, and it took me seventeen and a half years. – Adrien Brody
Jimmy Dore The difference between Al Jazeera and CNN is that CNN likes to show the bombs taking off. Al Jazeera likes to show when they land. – Jimmy Dore
Sam Kean I was reading this story about these people who suffered from brain injuries, and then their behavior changed kind of drastically afterward, and I just said to myself, ‘There’s no way that that can possibly be true.’ – Sam Kean
James Gleick People worry about Twitter. Twitter is banal. It’s 140-character messages. By definition, you can hardly say anything profound. On the other hand, we communicate. And, sometimes, we communicate about things that are important. – James Gleick
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