Adam Baldwin My heroes are the camera crew and the electricians. They work such long hours. – Adam Baldwin Camera Quotes Crew Quotes Electricians Quotes Heroes Quotes Hours Quotes I’m not much of a jokester. The guys I grew up with, my cinematic heroes, have always been men of few words, but of action. Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach.
Johnny Paycheck My music’s always been about life. And situations. Situation comedies, situation life. – Johnny Paycheck
Carlos Ghosn Commitment. This is my favorite word because in some way, people who are committed are always much more interesting and much more reliable, and much more, I would say, deep than people who are not. – Carlos Ghosn
LP I like diversity. I’d like there to be all levels of gay and straight, all different variations of gender, all colors, all creeds. I’m into seeing that. – LP
Bryan Konietzko I am infamous for writing fight scenes beat for beat, punch for punch. I can’t help it! – Bryan Konietzko
Michael Arad I pushed the process forward by saying, ‘We should do this, this, and this right now. Please find the budget for me to find a structural engineer, a mechanical engineer, a civil engineer, so we can do the preliminary work.’ – Michael Arad
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