Grant Achatz My home kitchen is airy, with a gas stove, a stainless-steel island table in the center and granite countertops. It’s very modest but there’s tons of counter space, so you can slap down three or four cutting boards. – Grant Achatz Airy Quotes Boards Quotes Center Quotes Counter Quotes Countertops Quotes Cutting Quotes Gas Quotes Granite Quotes Island Quotes Kitchen Quotes Modest Quotes Slap Quotes Space Quotes Stainlesssteel Quotes Stove Quotes Table Quotes Tons Quotes To me, every kitchen appliance is useful and nothing’s overrated. When I look at my little espresso machine, I don’t see coffee. I see a steaming valve as an opportunity to make amazing creme brulee. Alinea is not the type of restaurant where you go if you’re in a hurry. Really, it’s about enjoying that three-hour block of time and reflecting on the food, having great conversation with your dining companion.
Jeff Bridges Sometimes I think about retiring but not stopping work. Just ‘re-tiring’ – put on some new tires and go on to do something else. – Jeff Bridges
Burt Reynolds People don’t understand the analogy of football and acting, but there’s a great deal of it that’s the same. You get dressed in the room, and you think you’ve got it all prepared, and later on in the game you wish you had put on more pads ’cause they’re just kicking the hell out of you. God almighty, I’ve been beat up by the best. – Burt Reynolds
Katori Hall Cultivating relationships with people who’ve achieved what you want to achieve makes the path fuller and more fun. – Katori Hall
Kevin Kwan I’ve always been drawn to the Edwardian period in England. To me, it seems like such a fascinating time, when the British Empire was at the height of its powers and the strict mores of the Victorian age were dissipating into the decadence of King Edward’s reign. – Kevin Kwan
Anita Elberse Anyone can see that, say, superheroes and vampires perform well at the box office. That in turn can trigger competitive bidding situations and soaring fees for people who can bring these properties to the screen. The result can be a dramatic increase in the costs of production. – Anita Elberse
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