Edward Carpenter My ideas had been taking a socialistic shape for many years; but they were lacking in definite outline. – Edward Carpenter Definite Quotes Ideas Quotes Lacking Quotes Outline Quotes Shape Quotes Socialistic Quotes The general fact of surplus value, namely that the workmen does not get the full value of his labours, and that he is taken advantage of by the capitalist, is obvious. I should like these few words to be read over the grave when my body is placed in the earth; for though it is possible I may be present and conscious of what is going on, I shall not be able to communicate.
Angelica Ross I used to work at Bloomingdale’s when I was transitioning, and they didn’t want me using the same bathroom as the female employees or what have you, so it was a struggle. – Angelica Ross
Hayden Fry I learned a great many things in the Marines that helped me as a football coach. The Marines train men hard and to do things the right way, just as a football team must train. – Hayden Fry
Natasia Demetriou Often it’s seen as empowering if you’re cleverer than the men, or more aware – then you’re giving the woman a great strong role. And that’s true to an extent. But when it’s a comedy, you want to be as mad and silly and funny as the men. – Natasia Demetriou
Rick Santorum What makes America great was a government that was founded to be limited to doing one thing. I really believe the whole purpose of America, the aspirational value – why everybody who wants to come to this country wants to come here – was because we respected the dignity of every living person. – Rick Santorum
Carrie Hope Fletcher My motto is you should never take criticism from people you would never go to for advice. – Carrie Hope Fletcher
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