Katherine Jenkins My idol was Marilyn Monroe, who was a size 16, I think, and curvy in all the right places. I will never be stick thin. I remember a shoot where I had to get into these tiny hot pants, and I thought, ‘God, I wish I hadn’t eaten.’ – Katherine Jenkins Curvy Quotes Eaten Quotes God Quotes Hot Quotes Idol Quotes Marilyn Quotes Monroe Quotes Pants Quotes Remember Quotes Shoot Quotes Size Quotes Stick Quotes Tiny Quotes When I did ‘Dancing with the Stars’ I did lose an awful lot of weight and I think at the time everybody was sort of alarmed by it. You can eat anything and it is still dropping off you when you are doing that amount of exercise. I did once shatter a chandelier. I was singing with my college choir in Wales. I was the soloist and I hit the high note and there was this massive bang and all this glass came down from the ceiling. I’d like that to be my party trick if I can perfect it.
Jeremy Stephens Especially in Canada, I feel the Canadian fans are a little bit more exciting than the American fans, they’re wild, they’re rowdy, they love a good fight and it’s an honor to be there. – Jeremy Stephens
Christie BrinkleyThankfulThanksgiving At Thanksgiving, I always start at the top of my list and say I’m grateful for friends, family, and good health. Then I get more superficial… like being thankful for my Louboutins. – Christie Brinkley
Keith Henson Children do not have to learn that streets are dangerous places by potentially fatal trial and error. – Keith Henson
Apollo Robbins I can analyze how I do things, but the actual doing it – when the synapses just start firing – I can’t explain. – Apollo Robbins
Anna Popplewell I’m not a gamer. I’ve never played any games. I was more a books and games outdoors kind of a person, so I was extremely daunted when I got this job knowing the size of the fan base and the commitment of the fans to ‘Halo.’ – Anna Popplewell
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