T C Boyle My job is to engage, entertain, work out my life, tell a certain truth. – T C Boyle Engage Quotes Entertain Quotes Job Quotes Life Quotes Truth Quotes I love performing in front of an audience. I like the questions; I like controversy. If we lose sight of the fact that writing is entertainment, then writing is doomed.
Anita Dobson I went into acting because I wanted to be seen being someone else, not me! – Anita Dobson
Richard Corliss The big gamble in ‘Focus’ – it’s a Will Smith movie that dares to be small. – Richard Corliss
Michael Korda One of the first rules of playing the power game is that all bad news must be accepted calmly, as if one already knew and didn’t care. – Michael Korda
AmazingBrandon Routh Christopher Reeve did such an amazing job that to give him some kind of accent or more bravado would have been wrong. Audiences wouldn’t have responded to that either. – Brandon Routh
Andrew Greeley There has always been a certain proportion of people who leave the Church on issues of authority and sex. That hasn’t changed since we started doing research on it back in the early 1960s. – Andrew Greeley
Georgia May Jagger I’m very interested in music, but I was not born musical. I honestly do think some people have the knack. I can’t play an instrument. I’m a terrible singer. I’m not about to launch my album! – Georgia May Jagger
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