Alex Trebek My job is to provide the atmosphere and assistance to the contestants to get them to perform at their very best. And if I’m successful doing that, I will be perceived as a nice guy, and the audience will think of me as being a bit of a star. – Alex Trebek Assistance Quotes Atmosphere Quotes Audience Quotes Bit Quotes Contestants Quotes Guy Quotes Job Quotes Nice Quotes Perceived Quotes Perform Quotes Provide Quotes Star Quotes Successful Quotes My heart seems to heal, so that speaks well for my future. When I finish as the host of ‘Jeopardy!’ I’m going to go up to Taft in central California. They have a small college there that teaches you about oil drilling.
Edward Sapir National languages are all huge systems of vested interests which sullenly resist critical inquiry. – Edward Sapir
Rajnath Singh We dream of nation-building. We cannot achieve this by fomenting social divisions. – Rajnath Singh
Ismail Haniyeh I know that many in Europe are unhappy with their governments’ policies toward the Palestinians. – Ismail Haniyeh
Lori Lightfoot I don’t think I’ll be a good mayor if I don’t live my authentic life, and that’s got to be involved with having fun with my spouse and my daughter. – Lori Lightfoot
Sophie Kinsella If you want something you can’t afford, think what else that money could buy: a week’s groceries, a month’s rent, or a weekend away. That will put things into perspective. – Sophie Kinsella
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