Ha Ha Clinton-Dix My last name is all I have. I try to carry that to a high standard by setting high expectations. – Ha Ha Clinton-Dix Carry Quotes Expectations Quotes Setting Quotes Standard Quotes My guy growing up was Deacon Jones from Eatonville, Florida, where I’m from.
Ruskin Bond The transition from an English father to a Punjabi stepfather demanded an adjustment that was far from easy for a 10-year-old boy who had just lost his father. – Ruskin Bond
Roger Ailes I look for something unique, and I look for people who haven’t reached their potential. I think I’m pretty good at developing talent. – Roger Ailes
Michael Seibel I was the CEO of Justin.tv, and my cofounders were senior engineers there. We came up with the idea at Justin.tv in the fall of 2010. – Michael Seibel
Colton Haynes There are so many talented young actors in the industry. I’m just happy to have a job! – Colton Haynes
John Ratcliffe The Obama administration took a vital national security tool, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and they misused to surveil for political reasons. – John Ratcliffe
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